Health Canada Launched New Drug and Product Inspections Database

16/04/2015 23:30

Minister Ambrose Launched New Drug and Health Product Inspections Database, UnderlinesCommitment to Transparency

Searchabletool makes it easy to find details on inspections of drug companies

April13, 2015 - Ottawa, ON - Health Canada

HealthMinister Rona Ambrose launched the Drugand Health Product Inspections Database, a new online resource designed toprovide ready access to information on inspections of companies that manufactureand sell drug products for the Canadian market.  Canadians can search thesite for information on inspection findings, including which companies have agood history of meeting safety and quality standards and which do not.

The toolprovides centralized access to plain-language, timely information oninspections. Canadians can use this information to have a better understandingof how Health Canada is enforcing -- and how companies are meeting -- Canada's highstandards for drug safety and quality.

Drugsmade in Canada or abroad must meet standards known as Good ManufacturingPractices, which are internationally accepted and enforced by health productregulators. Health Canada licenses and regularly inspects companies that make, package/label,test, import, distribute and wholesale drugs. The searchable Drug and HealthProduct Inspections Database brings together key data about drug establishmentsand inspection results, including detailed report cards from inspections ofdrug establishments in Canada and abroad.

The newtool is a milestone under the Regulatory Transparencyand Openness Framework, Health Canada's plan for improving access totimely, useful and relevant health and safety information for Canadians.

Quick Facts

  • The searchable web tool provides information on both foreign and domestic drug inspections conducted by Health Canada and abroad since 2012.

  • Onsite drug inspections are carried out on more than 400 drug companies every year in Canada.

  • Health Canada also publishes the Inspection Tracker, which provides a snapshot of emerging issues identified through the inspection program and the actions Health Canada is taking.

  • This announcement builds on progress Health Canada has already made under the Regulatory Transparency and Openness Framework, including the recent launch of the Drug and Health Product     Register, a new tool designed to become the go-to resource for Canadians looking for quick access to information on hundreds of prescription drugs.


"Canadiansdeserve to know that they can trust the health products they use. While HealthCanada has always enforced internationally accepted manufacturing standards tohelp ensure the medicines we take are safe and of high quality, Canadians cannow have a better understanding of exactly how Health Canada does this and howcompanies are measuring up." Rona Ambrose - Minister of Health
